Saturday, December 12, 2009

The additional offender groans.

The additional offender groans.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The taurus ,a snow white bull, has risen to fame in 2 aspects the astrological and the mythical. Although sometimes confused with the minotaur the taurus is destiguished by its snow white color and the fact that it is not half human. first known to be in myths the taurus is quite a intricate animal especially about its origin.

The first known occurence of the taurus starts in Greece. As the myth "Minoan Bull" goes the Greek god of gods Zeus had fallen lustfully in love for a beautiful princess of Phoenicia named Europa. so the stricken Zeus approaches Europa with his devious plans and Europa denys him. Although Zeus with his arrogance decides that he will turn himself into a snow white bull ,taurus, and get the princess' attention being that she was fond of taurus'. Zeus then approaches Europa while she is in her garden and being stunned by the beauty of the taurus, pet Zeus for awhile, and climbed on his back.With her in his clutches Zeus ran and jumped in the ocean and swam to the isle of Crete where he changed back into a human form,and bestows the princess with a plethora of magical gifts. Europa then realized how madly Zeus desired her and she later became the queen of Crete because of this.